Wag Watch is equipped with the most luxurious overnight suites in Philadelphia, all designed to provide your dog with the comforts of home while you’re away.
All dogs who remain overnight at Wag Watch will be receive:
Regular daycare
Before and after-hours extra playtime
Storage lockers for their favorite beds, toys, and treats from home
Open ceilings providing maximum ventilation and temperature control
Chew proof bowls and water-proof liners
Orthopedic, elevated bedding
To ensure availability, boarding reservations should be booked three weeks in advance
Overnight Room Availabilities
Day-to-Day Routine
Who can board their dog at Wag Watch?
Existing daycare customers can utilize overnight services
To board your dog, you must 1) create a profile in our portal, 2) upload vax records, and 3) complete a Meet & Greet.
Your dog must then attend at least 2 full days of daycare to ensure they are suitable for an overnight environment.
When can you board your dog at Wag Watch?
365 days a year
We are open:
Major holidays, including Thanksgiving and Christmas
Saturdays and Sundays (daycare hours 9am-4pm)
We recommend nights be booked at least 3 weeks in advance
We recommend holiday nights be booked at least one month in advance
How much does it cost?
$65-83 (includes daycare)
The standard boarding rate is $83, which includes one day of daycare and one overnight stay until 9am. We have packages available for those staying multiple nights that can provide > 20% savings.
Holidays will incur a $10 surcharge
How do I book?
Directly through our portal
Choose “Overnight Boarding | All Inclusive”
Select your check-in and check-out days and times
Answer our care questions, and leave any additional notes to help us keep your dog comfortable!
When can I drop off & pick up?
7am-7pm weekdays | 9am-4pm weekends
If you’d like to pick up your dog later in the day, you can book an “extended day” for an additional fee
If the above times do not work, we also provide pick up and drop off services for customers living < .4 miles away